Individualized Strength - Remote
For the weightlifter that shares our community values, but can't make the commute. We help all levels of Olympic Weightlifters improve their strength, technique, and mobility. We focus on knowledgeable and experienced coaching. We HIGHLY value the personal relationship between coach and athlete and want to speak with you before you sign up for our program.
Personalized Programming
Our main focus of this program is the coaching, because we treat weightlifting as a sport, not just an accumulation of repetitions in specific intensity zones. Our individualized programming is designed around your personal strengths and weaknesses. We aim to give you the perfect amount of volume and intensity to promote steady adaptations. Your exercise selection is based on your movement patterns in the snatch and clean & jerk, with the ultimate goal of improving your competition total as much as possible.
We can make programming suitable for all levels of athletes, from someone who has never touched a bar to someone looking for a spot on the national podium, all while navigating injury and complexity. Individual programming is based on your communicated and observed strengths and weaknesses. You and your coach will develop a rapport using WhatsApp and the CoachNow video analysis app.
Key Features
Custom-made programming supported by a consistent technical model; reevaluated based on your progress and adaptations.
Technique Assessment
We identify movement patterns that influence your performance, pain, and risk for injury. We then monitor changes in these patterns over time through consistent technical development to track changes.
Individulized Programming
We provide custom programming through Google Sheets. Programming is periodized around your competition schedule, based on your psychological response to training, and is designed to improve your strength and technical deficits.
Coaching and Relationships
Individualized programming, intelligent program design and 1on1 rapport with your coach. You'll also be encouraged to become a part of the greater GG community though online interaction and training camps!
How To Get Started
1. Schedule a Zoom or phone call with our certified coaches - A call for you to ask any and all questions about GG Weightlifting, as well as our opportunity to get to know you and your goals. The best way to find out if we're the right fit for you! We highly value the coach-athlete relationship and want to understand your exact needs and motivations.
2. Choose the best program for you - Start training with us and get connected with the GG weightlifting network of lifters!
3. Complete your initial intake month - Every lifter that starts individualized programming with us completes a semi-standardized month of programming. This initial month is structured to allow us to understand your unique response to training, both psychologically and physiologically. We will introduce you to a variety of different stimuli to see what makes you fatigued and frustrated or explosive and amped to train. Based on your reactions and feedback, we will develop a greater understanding of how to tailor programming to you training responses.
Remote Weightlifting Programming Options
3x/week Programming
Programming: Individualized weightlifting programming delivered via Google Sheets, re-evaluated weekly based on goals and progress.
Features: ​
Complete at your own pace
24/7 access to programming
Regular video analysis via CoachNow
First access to GG Weightlifting training camps
4x/week Programming
Programming: Individualized weightlifting programming delivered via Google Sheets, re-evaluated weekly or on a per-need basis.
Features: ​
Complete at your own pace
24/7 access to programming
Regular video analysis via CoachNow
First access to GG Weightlifting training camps
5x/week Programming
Programming: Individualized weightlifting programming delivered via Google Sheets, re-evaluated weekly or on a per-need basis.
Features: ​
Complete at your own pace
24/7 access to programming
Regular video analysis via CoachNow
The ideal for competitive weightlifters
First access to GG Weightlifting training camps
Have questions or want to get started? Let us know!
6740 99 St NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 5B8